Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hospital Outfit Found!

Most people probably don't care, but I actually really hate the beanies they put on newborns in the hospital.  They are always pink, blue and white stripped so it can be for a boy or girl and I just think they are too girly and ugly for a boy!  But it's really hard to find just a simple beanie for a boy that is small enough.  With Jackson I lucked out and found the cutest little blue puppy dog beanie.  I still have it, but I want Baron to have his own pictures and some of his own stuff so he doesn't always have to be just like his brother.  So I have been looking for awhile for a new beanie and outfit for the picture and going home for him- something simple and comfy yet cute, and it seems like all I find are ugly Winnie-the-pooh ones.  But 2 days ago I finally found a cute little outfit, matching beanie and also a matching blanket, which is a bonus! I know it's cheesy and shouldn't be that big of a deal, but I am pretty excited.  There were actually 2 outfits that came together that both match, but I think I like the stripped one a little more than the blue one because it matches the beanie even more.  What do you think??
Stripes or Blue Outfit?
and here's Jackson's hospital picture- sorry it's not that great. Its a picture of a picture, but hopefully you can still see his cute little beanie :)

I found Baron's outfit, blanket and beanie just at the local target when I went the other day to get some vapor bath soap and vick's baby rub for Jackson who came down with a nasty cold and fever randomly this week.  He is pretty miserable.  While we were at target though, he did the funniest thing.  He hates riding in the cart, and usually does pretty good at staying by me walking because he knows that if he runs away or throws a fit he will get put into the cart.  He loves walking beside me and pointing out every Lightning McQueen and Thomas the Train he sees whether its on a band aid box, soap bottle, sheets, etc.   Well when we went the other day, I was putting our stuff up onto the conveyor belt when all of a sudden this little hand reaches up and puts this onto it:

I can't believe he is already trying to sneak stuff in at the store! We used to do that all the time to my mom at the grocery store because she would never buy junk food.  And since I am a nice mom and had pity on the little sicky (and since it was actually a $3 bubble bath container), i caved in and bought the car.  He hasn't put it down since and has even slept with it- and yes, i emptied out the soap into another container before letting him play and sleep with it. 


The Yates said...

so cute! i love your cute jackson stories :)
have you thought of baby boy names for the new one, or is Baron the name?

Shalene said...

i like the first outfit also. you are right it matches the hat better. its cool that a blanket comes with it also. It makes the outift.

Christi said...

I have to go with the first one too.
Don't worry once Jackson tries to add a bunch of stuff you will start saying no :) Reagan loves to add things to the cart.

lisa said...

i'd go with the stripes too... way cute! so this will shock you, i know, but jack had that same blue beanie as jackson.. surprise surprise! just so long as you don't change baron's name to lucy at the last minute, we really will live separate lives! (oh and i can't believe jackson snuck the mcqueen... that's hilarious!!)


I totally agree with you and everyone else - the striped outfit is the cutest! And I'm with you on the going-home outfit. I wish I would've gone looking for a specific outfit - and a preemie or newborn size at that. Poor kid, everything I brought with me was too big (even being a newborn size) because I wasn't expecting him to be so little!
Also, I love the McQueen soap story - they cherish the weirdest little things!

Katie and joe said...

the outfit thing i had not thought of yet! haha i will probably have to bring a couple different sizes though- we have no idea how big she is going to be! my husband was 12 pounds (yes, 12 solid pounds!) and i was almost 10... but i haven't gotten that big yet so there's still a chance she could be normal sized! when joe was born, they didnt have any clothes big enough to put him in, and they had to go to pediatrics and get something for him there!

Shannon said...

I like the stripes for sure! They are both cute though.... I LOVE the little hand poking up on the conveyor belt image! ha... he's such a little smarty pants.

Stephanie said...

I agree! The hospital outfits are cheesy. That doggie one is so adorable!