Wednesday, September 10, 2008

$2 Tuesdays

We discovered the coolest thing yesterday...... on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the zoo costs only $2!! And kids 2 and under are still free! So yesterday we rode the max into town to give Daddy his lunch since he forgot it, said hi to him since we haven't gotten to see him much lately, then stopped at the zoo on the way back home! Jackson loves riding the max.  He just gets so excited and keeps saying choo choo over and over again.  When we got to the zoo, the lady at the ticket counter asked if we drove or took the max- then she said that if you ride the max its $1 off, so we ended up paying $4.75 for an all day max pass (which is way cheaper than parking and gas costs), and $1 for the zoo! $5.75 total for a super fun day! Jackson of course loved the zoo again and was running down the ramps from one thing to another.  The fishies were definitely the favorite this time. He kept calling the little turtles, Dudes- which is because he is obsessed recently with Nemo.  We also saw one of the big elephants, but decided to skip the 2 hour line to see the new baby elephant. I'm just not that patient and neither is Jackson.  I think we'll live.  I wish I had more pictures to post from the zoo, but of course I left the camera at home..... I seem to be good at doing that :(  Here's another picture and video from the first time though:

On the zoo train-
I have no idea why he is making this face in this video- i think he thinks he's too cool for the camera now

and some examples of how he has to always line up his cars



What a GREAT find!! That's it, Ethan and I are planning a 2nd Tuesday trip up to Portland to come visit and go to the zoo!! I'm glad you had such a fun day and for so cheap - those are the best. :)

Emily said...

Oh my gosh that is the best deal ever!!! 1 dollar for the zoo is unheard of! I love finding out awesome things like jealous!

Christi said...

I love good deal like that!!!! It sounds like you guys are having a good time up there!

Shannon said...

You know you are getting your money's worth on that one...My little animal loving sis! ha... the things we do for them! Love his little haircut! He's such a babe. I love clean cut little boys...

Shannon said...

You know you are getting your money's worth on that one...My little animal loving sis! ha... the things we do for them! Love his little haircut! He's such a babe. I love clean cut little boys...

Christine said...

cute! I want to go to the zoo on $2 tuesdays! that would be fun! Cause I can't afford the other prices! lol
looks like you had lots of fun!
Jackson is so cute!

Stephanie said...

Wow, $2 AND a zoo train?!? Brendan would LOVE that. Thanks for the tip. :D