Monday, September 29, 2008


My fantastic sister-in-law, Christi who just had a birthday yesterday (Happy Birthday!!! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!) tagged me with this tag so here it goes:

8 T.V. Shows I love to watch:
1. The Office (who doesn't love it!) 
2. Survivor
3. Wipeout (the big balls are hilarious)
4. The Amazing Race
5. Lost
6. Extreme Make
over Home Edition
7. What Not to Wear
8. Duck's Football and Angels Baseball (Angels are gonna win i
t all this year!)

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Drove down 
to our old ward in Eugene
2. Jeff & Shalene (John's brother and wife) blessed their new baby girl, Summer Grace
3. I got to hold Summer!
4. Ate some g
ood food and hung out with family afterwards
5. Had some of Sue's super yummy pumpkin cake roll for dessert
6. Stopped by John's grandparents for 
a visit
7. Said goodbye to everyone and drove back home (about 2 hour drive)
8. Watched The Amazing Race and went to bed!

8 favorite places to eat
1. Californ
ia Pizza Kitchen
2. In'n'Out (mmm.... animal style fries!)
3. Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill
4. Ruby's on the pier at Huntington Beach
5. Don Jose's (mexican food)
6. Outback
7. IHOP (stuffed french toast with strawberry topping is my favorite meal ever!)
8. Red Robin

8 things I am looking forward to: 
1. Finally getting to hold Baron and having him here
2. Going down to
 Glide this weekend to relax and watch Conference
3. Halloween!!!
4. Thanksgiving- all the yummy food and having the Grahams all to
gether again! (so excited to see Nick and Christi and their girls! yeah!)
5. Having this baby!! (i have been getting a little impatient lately to have him here finally)
6. Listening to Christmas music, looking at Christmas lights and all the holiday decorations and food!
7. John being done with the CPA
8. One day owning our own house with a backyard!

8 things on my wish list:
1. New couches and a comfy recliner like Nick and Christi's
2. For Baron to have a smooth birth and for him to be nice and healthy
3. Animal Fr
ies and a burger from In'n'out right now
4. A Bob double jogging stroller with a swivel wheel
5. A backyard for the boys to play
6. For my family to come visit us up here
7. To be able to just relax this Christmas and enjoy our new little addition to our family 
8. For Nick and Christi to move back to Oregon! 

Now 8 people that I tag:
Shannon, Amy Pringle( i need some kind of update from you!
), Lindsay, Brooke, Hayley, and anyone else that wants to!

That's it for the tag! As you can see we had a fun day yesterday down in Eugene.  Jackson especially had fun running around with all the kids and playing with his 2 of his favorite people, Aunt Heather and Uncle Jeff.  On the way home he kept saying, "Heather, Where are you?" It was a fun day and we were exhausted by the time we got home.  Here's a picture of John and Jack when we got home reading stories together...... Jack was seriously falling asleep on John even though it was only like 7...... i just think its a cute picture :)


The Yates said...

cutest picture :)
did you get my email about this summer??

NW Harbert's said...

Sounds like fun with family. Cute blog.

Stephanie said...

I'm so sad that I missed seeing you guys. We moved last Saturday and were swimming in boxes Sunday morning. Glad you had a good visit, though. :)