Saturday, September 13, 2008

French Toast Anyone???

So, I always have been a pretty vivid dreamer, but when I am pregnant my dreams can sometimes get really crazy.  I remember when I was pregnant with Jackson I would wake up every morning and tell John the craziest stories about what I dreamed.  With this pregnancy, it hasn't been as wild- I think mainly because I don't sleep as deeply anymore.  But a couple of nights ago I had the funniest dream, and John said that it was so good I needed to blog about it.  In my dream, I was pregnant still, and was walking around the seminary classes in the morning, making french toast for everyone.  The best part was that I was cooking the french toast not on a frying pan, but on my preggo belly! I would dip the bread in the sauce, lift up my cute maternity shirt, put the bread on my hott belly, put my shirt down, walk around and ask people if they wanted another piece, lift my shirt up and flip the piece to the other side, put my shirt back down, and then take the piece off when it was done and put it on a plate and hand it to whomever was waiting for a piece.  And this was totally normal to everyone!  So random.  I do not know where my dreams come from sometimes.  Gotta love them! 

I don't know if anyone has noticed from the tracker on the side, but I have less than 100 days to go with this pregnancy! Wahoo!! Can't wait for this active little boy to get here!

And since my sister has been asking for one, here's a current preggo belly picture- and it's not that great, but it's all I got for now.  I'm usually the one taking the picture, not the one in it, so enjoy my big 'ole belly and I will try to get a better one for ya Shan.

Here's Jack and I during half time of the Duck's game- he is clearly upset by how poorly we were playing, but luckily we pulled it together enough to win the game. Go Ducks!


Christi said...

I would like 2 pieces please!!! That is a funny dream. You do always have weird dreams when you are pregnant!!!
Love the little belly!

Shannon said...

Yeah, thanks Steph! You look great! Cute shirt, thought about you guys yesterday... way to go Ducks! So egg yolk on your belly kinda creeps me out to much to have a piece, sorry! ha.....

The Yates said...

hahaha sooo funny! love the dream & the preggo picture :)

Emily said...

Pregnancy dreams are so funny...that's a pretty good one. I love that it was totally normal for everyone to be getting french toast from your funny!!!



That is one whacked-out dream!! Too funny that no one thought it was odd that you were cooking on your belly - gotta wonder about those people!
Nice preggo picks.
That game was a nail-biter! I had to work, so I was just listening to it on the radio - Sean got to watch it at home. Anyway... Go Ducks!

lisa said...

this is hilarious! i always have weird dreams too... but that is a definite winner. i was going to call you last week to have the boys play, but jack's been sick, so hopefully he's about over it and they can be reunited at last! (oh yeah, and he LOVES watching the video of Jackson on the longboard, for some reason it just totally cracks him up... so I took a video of him watching Jackson's video... we'll have to show you sometime!)

Christine said...

I can offically say, i have never had one of those dreams! But when I do I will tell you my crazy dreams too! lol
You are so cute! And I can't believe your under a 100 days! thats exciting! :)

Brooke Beck said...

hahaha ohhh boy this is hilarious!! And that is soooo exciting you got called at the YW Laurel advisor, you are going to be awesome!! I totally forgot about those shirts, and those horrific pictures we took, haha! Yes, conference was so awesome,and so was the Prophet, thats one nice thing about living in Salt Lake :) By the way you're little family is so stinkin cute, its so fun to see everyone growing up! Getting married, having cute kids! I'll be there someday, hopefully soon :)anyway...Si se puede! :)