As many of you already know, yesterday I had surgery on my knee, and since I know there are a lot of you asking and wanting to know how it went, I figured the easiest way would be to post an update on here since I am not really up to calling everyone.... (I am a little bit groggy and in A LOT of pain). So, from what the Dr. told John (apparently he came and talked to me too, but I was still so out of it that I don't even remember him stopping by!), the surgery went really well! He said there was a lot of scar tissue on the left side of my left knee and even some on the tendon, but once they cleared all that out they said the rest of it all looked nice and healthy! So it looks like that was the problem and hopefully this means that I will be able to gain full ability of my knee again.... after recovery of course. Speaking of that, so far it's been ruff. Yesterday my knee wasn't actually hurting too bad, but I was extremely nauseous and dizzy from the anesthesia, which was frustrating because I hadn't eaten since the night before. That combined with the fact that I am already hypoglycemic made for a ruff night. I kept throwing up and couldn't keep down anything including applesauce and gatorade, which made me pretty shaky and dizzy. Luckily, I finally was able to keep down some coke and toast and eventually was able to add more food which happened to be just in time since my knee was starting to hurt and I can't take the meds without food. Anyways, when I got home at first yesterday like I said earlier, my knee was doing fine and I was even able to walk on it a little, with the brace, but then as the meds started wearing off it started to get really painful, which is probably because the Dr. not only gave me heavy pain meds at the surgery center, but also he gave me some localized anesthesia at the incision site that really helped block pain there. Now that all that is worn off, I can barely put any pressure on it at all, even while taking the vicodin the dr. prescribed. So I am in a lot of pain now, but am hanging in there. I wish I could just fast forward through these next couple of weeks, but I am extremely grateful to have my mom here who has been SO wonderful and helpful taking care of both me and the boys. So that's about it for an update so far. Thanks to everyone for all of your fasting, prayers, and concern on my behalf. It really helps to have so much love and support from everyone! I feel very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to look after me! Here are just a few post surgery pictures so far:
Here's my huge brace I have to wear sleeping and while walking and most of the time at least until next thursday... it's so big and bulky!
Our camera is being dumb and won't upload some of our pictures, but here is a super short video clip- taken by accident of my knee without the brace. I can't undo all the gauze and take off the sleeve until Sat. morning.