Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I know I've been needing to do a new post, but the truth is there hasn't been anything real exciting happen lately.  So I was brain storming post ideas yesterday when John told me he couldn't believe I hadn't posted about our triathlon, so i thought i would post about that. So here it goes!

A couple of Saturdays ago, John and I did a triathlon!!  It was my first one ever, and John's second one.  It wasn't a hardcore one, just a sprint triathlon.  It was a 500m swim (10 laps, or 20 lengths of a pool), a 12 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run.  I am pleased to say that i did it! I did the whole thing without stopping (besides transitions of course), which i never thought i would be able to say.  This was another part of my last effort quest to get into at least semi- shape before baby #2 comes along and takes over anything and everthing left in me.  The triathlon was the "Beever Freezer" triathlon at Oregon State's campus, and John and I definitely learned why it is named that...... it was 45 degrees outside during the race!! The swim was in a pool so that wasn't too bad, but my transition times were super slow, because i had to put on running tights over my suit, and a long sleeved shirt plus a shirt over that.  Then, i forgot to bring gloves for the bike, and by the time i finished the 12 miles my hands hurt sooooo bad and were sooo numb i thought i was going to start crying.  And that made it seriously impossible to undo the clips on my bike shoes, and then i seriously couldn't tie my shoe laces on my running shoes because i couldn't feel my fingers! That was definitely the most miserable part of the race for me.  Once i started running though I warmed up pretty quickly and finished off the race!  John did pretty good too.  He is a lot tougher than I am, so he didn't have as much trouble with the cold.  We are just both proud to say we did it! It was actually pretty fun, and I am excited to do more in the future- most likely not anytime soon though! :)  And since we didn't have anyone with us at the race we left the camera in the car so it wouldn't get stolen, so sorry, no pictures!  

And for those of you who care or even know anything about them, here's our times: ( and like i said- it was my first one ever and a learning experience, so don't expect a great time )
John-  overall: 1:22:54  swim: 00:09:00   Bike: 00:45:39   run: 00:22:41
Steph- overall: 1:42:54   swim: 00:10:37    Bike: 00:51:13   run: 00:30:03


Christi said...

I think it is awesome that you did it!!!!! I am going to attempt to do one this summer. Just come to Vegas, and you won't have to worry about the cold!!!!!

Justin + kelly said...

I didnt know that! Seriously those are good times!! Justin and I are hopefully going to do one in June in Portland. You guys should do it too! I'm nervous that I'm going to fall apart doing it, but it would be realy fun overall! Way to go!

The Yates said...

wow! i had no idea! that is way awesome. so proud of you guys!

Sidenote: You were totally in my dream last night. I was at my in-laws place (random) and you came over and was telling me about a cake you wanted me to make for you, haha. Just thought I would tell u.


Holy moly! Good job! That sounds like a lot of work, but fun. I would love to do something like that once I'm in better shape. I've been walking the 'Thurston hills' by our house (we're at the base) on nice days. I take Ethan in his stroller, so it makes for a great full-body work-out! I would definitely have to do a short one, though. I can handle the swimming and biking, but I'm not much of a runner.
So... what are the plans for baby #2, hmm??? :)

Stephanie said...

Hey, steph! I saw you guys listed on Lisa's blog and thought I'd say hi. Wow - you are amazing to have pulled that off. Did you have to train for awhile to get ready? You're the woman!