Sunday, April 13, 2008

Finally Tagged!

Well it happened..... after all the different tags I've read on other people's blogs, John's cousin, Jennifer, finally tagged me! I think its kind of fun because since we have been in Eugene, we've been way busy with school, work, Jackson, watching someone's kid, and managing apartments, which means our social life lacks a ton and so not too many people know that much about us.  So here goes this tag and maybe when I have more free time I will do another one that's more about john and i just for fun!  Oh, and you'll probably notice Jennifer that i added a few categories :)

Four jobs I've had:
1. Cold Stone Cremery ice cream scooper! (the only way i didn't gain like 50 lbs was b/c i was in like 3 diff. sports)
2. Being a Nanny- to multiple kids (i've been doing it for about 4 years now)
3. Baton Teacher/Coach in CA and in Springfield for the after school elem. programs
4. Managing Apartment complexes
I've had more jobs and have kept busy, but am looking forward to just being a mommy starting in July!

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. That Thing You Do (remember b-day parties Hayley?)
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. Father of the Bride - Part I and II
4. Our Wedding DVD- cheesy i know but we just had so much fun that day and we have a great dvd from it!

Four place I have lived:
1. Orange, California- born and raised!
2. Rexburg, Idaho for school
3. 4 different apartments in Eugene, Oregon
4. Portland, Oregon- well, moving there this summer! :)

Four TV shows I love:
1. Extreme Makeover Home Edition- i cry every time!
2. Survivor
3. Biggest Loser
4. Lost -we just got into it and we just finished the 2nd season so don't ruin it for us please! :)

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mac & Cheese
2. Ruby's or Red Robin guacamole hamburgers
3. Cereal
4. Fresh Chips and Salsa

Four sites I visit daily:
1. Gmail
2. My blog and friends' blogs
3. Cheap flights websites to look for miraculous price cuts on tickets to southern cali.
4. jcrew and banana- not to actually buy, but just to covet all the clothes i wish i had and would buy if i were rich

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Maui, Hawaii
2. San Francisco
3. Bend, Oregon and Eagle Crest
4. Michigan when i was little to visit my gparents who were mission presidents there 

Four things I did today:
1. Taught sunday school class at church
2. Took a 3 hour nap- i was really tired and Jack actually slept that long too! :)
3. Cuddled up with Jack and watched part of Father of the Bride
4. This tag

Four things i plan to do this week:
1. Spin classes at UofO (love them!)
2. Organize apartment managing stuff to get ready for the lease season- exciting, i know
3. Send Reagan her b-day present
4. If the sunshine continues, take Jack to the park as much as possible

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. Southern Cali. to visit the fam. and lay out on the beach
3. in Portland already!  Less than 3 months now!!! (can you tell im excited to move??)
4. Austrailia

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Hayley
2. Shannon
3. Sienna
4. Lindsay Bowerman


ashley said...

nice tag!
a three hour nap?!? that is amazing!


I'm glad you liked being tagged! I actually hope you get another tag soon, it was great to learn more about you. I liked what you added, too. :)
You're such a good blogger - thanks for all of the comments!

Justin + kelly said...

yea for blogs! i saw yours through the jensens and was so excited! ill be checking out the cute pics of jackson regularly!

p.s. feel free to tag yourself, i do it all the time!

Christi said...

Ummm Steph it is called, Big Fat Loser! I love reading people's tag, I never do them, because I am too lazy! Hope the weather is nice for you guys.

The Yates said...

ill never forget all the times we would watch 'That Thing You Do'.
haha. so fun!

Katie and joe said...

i will join you in hawaii anytime. i would MUCH rather be there!

LinnieBell said...

done!! i'm thinking you should make a trip out here to utah when your mom is here!! (i know you're thinking about it...)


So I just heard... it sounds like poor Jackson is going to be even more out-numbered by the girl cousins 3 to 1. Poor guy! You'll have to include 2nd cousins (hint, hint) to help even out the odds! :)

Sidenote: If we ever start having decent weather for more than 12 hours in a row, I'd love to get the boys together and go the the park or something. Let me know.