Monday, April 7, 2008

Jackson Says....

Since my parents live in Southern Cali., they get to see a lot of pictures of Jackson, but only once in a great while, since we are still poor starving students and plane tickets down there are always rediculously expensive, they actually get to see Jack in person and hear his cute little voice.  So I thought it would be fun to get a video of Jack saying some of the words he says now-a-days, and also I just really wanted to make sure I kept a little record of what he is saying at what age.  He was kind of being a little stinker and wouldn't say much every time I put the camera on him, and of course he would say stuff as soon as I stopped video-ing.  But I did catch a few of the words, so here they are:

And just for my own record/journal sake, at 16 1/2 months Jackson is saying these words:

mama, dadda, more, head, apple, no, nana(banana), yeah, nigh night, yep, bath time, hot, hey, shoes, hi, shake, bye bye, elmo, out, up, and what's dat? (which he learned from his cousin Reagan who was here not too long ago) :)

One more random bit of info..... I think Jack needs a haircut? What do you think?


Emily said...

My favorite was cute! Isn't it so crazy how they learn words so fast at their age? I swear Easton says a new word every day.

And I don't think you should cut his hair, that's just too awesome.

Katie and joe said...

what a little cutie! definitely like seeing what he is up to!

The Yates said...

keep it long, its adorable! haha.
i look at that picture and see so much of you Steph! In a good way of course.


Jack Jack is so adorable. I still can't get over how he's grown. He's such a cute little boy - not a baby anymore!! Everytime I read your blog and see new pictures I think that the boys need to get together more, then I remember that you're moving soon! :( We have to take advantage of the next few months.

And as far as Ethan's b-day goes - he's pretty easy to please. Basically, if Jackson likes it, Ethan probably will, too. We're getting him some trucks/cars, etc. I just realized that he has almost no trucks/cars! Which is especially silly when his room is 'transportation' theme. Anyway. There's a cute Little People school bus/wagon that comes with blocks that I think we're going to get him. Thanks for the RSVP - see you Friday!

Christi said...

I love Jackson. We miss him!!!! I am glad that we can contribute to his vocabulary. He is doing so good.