Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This is what I want to be doing right now

So much has happened in the past 2 almost 3 weeks.  Here's the short recap:

Morgan has Acid Reflux pretty badly now and so far the medicine hasn't kicked in yet meaning we are sleep deprived and worn out.  She pretty much cries all through feedings and screams afterwards and spits up all day long.  I am constantly changing hers and my clothes and doing lots of wash.  Thank goodness for vibrating bouncy chairs and swiss exercise balls to bounce and soothe her.  We still love her tons though and just can't get enough of her cute little body and antics when she's awake and not crying.  She's gaining weight pretty quickly too! 

Grammie and Aunt Bertney came for a week and were SO much help.  We ate well, laundry and dishes were always done, the boys were entertained, our house kept pretty clean and we were even getting decent sleep with extra hands willing to hold a cranky baby at 4am.  We've struggled ever since they left. We had a very very scary 911 call and ambulance ride while they were here when Mo choked and gagged and stopped breathing then went limp.  It was the most terrifying experience ever.  We are very grateful she's doing well now that her body has figured out how to spit up fully instead of getting it caught and blocking her air. More details to come sometime... I'm just too tired to write it all out now and really, I have a hard time re-living it.  

The boys are doing well and still loving every second of their sister, especially when she farts louder than they can.  She is the gassiest baby I've ever heard and they think it's hilarious. John is finally getting some answers to all his health stuff that's come up lately and though it will mean some big changes, we are hopeful in getting him healthy again! We find out more on Friday.  

My in-laws are taking the boys all next week for "pirate week"- camping at the coast looking for treasure and all kind of pirate activities at Grandpa and Grandma's house.  They are ecstatic and counting down the days- and so am I.  

I feel amazingly well- one HUGE blessing through all the craziness.  I was in so much pain after having Baron and took just about 10 weeks to fully heal.  This time around, the only pain I have felt was from the cramps those first few days when nursing.  I do not feel like I pushed a baby out of me at all.  It is amazing and awesome. Everyone should have a short labor and a 6 lb baby.  My mind is however another story.  I seriously could't remember for the life of me this morning in the shower if I'd just washed my hair or not.  It's amazing what sleep deprivation and having a newborn will do to your brain. 

Well, that's all for now.  Happy August.  It's my favorite month.  Birthdays, Anniversary, Sunshine and family coming back into town at the end for Baby Mo's blessing! Can't wait!! 

I the meantime, enjoy some random pictures... more to come from Grammie and Brittany's visit soon, hopefully


Britt and Josh Child said...

loving all the cute pics! Is it totally wierd that I miss picking up after the boys? And doing the dishes?? I just feel so wierd being here and not being able to help anymore!! Hoping that you can get better sleep soon. Mo looks so much bigger already in the pics. love that little monkey

Christine said...

She is beautiful! Glad that health issues are getting worked out! I can't wait to meet her!!

Stephanie said...

I hope she improves from the acid reflux soon! How hard! :( On the bright side, I'm glad you are recovering well. And what an awesome idea for your parents to do pirate week at the beach! I love it! And a nice break for you. :)

The Yates said...

she is so little! so cute! i miss that. praying for you guys during this crazy time! hope the reflux things works itself out soon. she is adorable

The Yates said...

she is so little! so cute! i miss that. praying for you guys during this crazy time! hope the reflux things works itself out soon. she is adorable