Thursday, August 30, 2012

Doing Better...

We are still tired, but doing way better! We got Morgan on a different medicine and she has some better days now, but tends to still scream at night for a few hours straight.  And she still spits up a lot, but not as projectile all the time like she was before... it was getting ridiculous. She could drench my shirt and pants like no other.  And she once spit up from her car seat clear onto the carpet at a friend's home, drenching herself and car seat cover as well.  She has just started purposely smiling at us (though she still does plenty of gas smiles since she has TONS of gas all the time... that poor girl's stomach is a mess!).  She is as cute as ever and is definitely putting on the pounds, so we aren't too worried about her growth! She IS getting enough food, even with all the spit up! We are loving her- smiles, crying, gas and spit up and all. Looking forward to her baby blessing this upcoming Sunday and having family in town all week!

Found out some more info. on John.  He has officially been diagnosed with Celiac's Disease as well as Ulcerative Colitis.  Frustrating to have to change your whole diet and take 9 (yes, 9!!) pills a day that do not come cheaply, but it has been nice to finally start figuring things out and get going on getting him healthy.  He already has noticed a big difference. And really, we have been so blessed by our ward-  we have gotten over 12 meals now from all different families who have been so supportive and loving with everything we've had going on and excited about the new baby as well!  Plus, there are quite a few members of our ward who either have Celiac's as well or know someone or just eat a gluten free diet by choice and they have all been a tremendous resource. We are definitely in the right place for these trials we have been facing.  The Dr. is still a little worried about John having another liver issue though, so he is doing some more test for that and we should know more in a few weeks. 

My in-laws took the boys for a week camping at the coast and to play at their house for "Pirate Week".  They had hats they wore all week and even burried treasure to find with their treasure map! They had SO MUCH FUN! They still haven't stopped talking about it!  It was so nice too not to have to worry about them or feel guilty for not being able to do more for them right now at this time. We sure have been spoiled by family and friends these past few weeks!

So there you go for an update.... we are hanging in there and doing better and better each day! Now for some pictures....
 (most of these are from my camera phone, so they're a little blurry)

Here are a few from her scary hospital trip when she was a week old.  She spent 2 nights in the pediatric unit... she was so happy to get that IV taken out when we left!

 Practicing their summer saults and cartwheels after watching the Olympics

 Giving her a bath at night is the only time she takes a break from the colic crying!

 Headed off to Pirate Week!

 Cuddle time with Aunt Heather
 Jackson took this picture by himself
 He also took this picture
 He has kept the sticker from the visiting Morgan in the hospital the day she was born and puts it on his shirt almost everyday.... talk about a proud brother!
 This is a common face she makes

1 comment:

amy jane carpenter said...

I'm so sorry to hear about John. My Dad was diagnosed with Celiacs about 24 years ago so I know first hand what that is like. How awesome that you guys have such a support over there! You guys are always so positive, I've always loved that about you both. We'll keep your family in our prayers. Sure love you guys!