Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Home from the Hospital

Friday night we were able to bring the little lady home since both her and I were doing well.  It was so nice to sleep in our own bed! And we really did sleep that first night home... Morgan slept for 7 hours straight! I even tried a few times to wake her up to feed her in the middle of the night because I was worried, but she was out cold.  We just figured she was exhausted from everything (including not sleeping the first night in the hospital due to spitting up amniotic fluid all night). She has slept pretty well ever since though and it's been a blast having her at home!  

One thing we've noticed with having a girl is that usually with newborns you take lots of pictures because they look so cute and little, but with a girl, you take those pictures plus every time you put a new outfit on you just have to take a picture of how cute it is! haha.  Even John has been caught saying, "Oh that's cute... where's the camera?!"  Hence many more pictures we have to post (and I know my dad and some family have been looking forward to some more pictures!)

Her going home outfit was quite large on her

The first time we had to put her in her carseat I was worried she wasn't big enough!

Baron was really shy in the hospital, but once Grandma and Grandpa brought him back home he has asked a bunch to hold the baby and loves to help out with her! It's so cute... especially when he holds her because she fits so perfectly in his little lap and cuddles right up to him

 He had a blast playing with her on our bed and making her legs "dance"

Her feet don't look quite so big when put next to her brother's

I just love how little and cute she looks in her bouncy seat and swing and all bundled up 

she always manages to get her arm out by the end of her nap though... she's a strong one!

Little Monkey is a nickname that with her wardrobe and long gangly arms and legs seems to fit her well

Big yawn!

 Jackson is still loving every second of her as well!


Kimberly said...

She's so teeny! I still can't get over that. And I agree...her outfits are adorable! I'd be taking a million pictures too :) It looks like the boys love having a baby sister. She is so lucky to have them!

Glad you are doing so well, and glad your mom and sister are in town! Let me know if you need anything.

Love ya!

Brooke Beck said...

Steph!! She is a doll! Congrats on beautiful baby girl!

Hesses Madhouse said...

SO CUTE! Just love the pics of the boys with her. She's just absolutely darling! Congratulations to your whole family!