Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Berry Picking!

We've been waiting months for the berries to be ripe enough to go pick and were so excited to finally be able to make some more homemade jam! One weekend we picked TONS of the most delicious strawberries ever and a few weeks later we went and picked some raspberries and blueberries.  We only brought the camera the second time and got some great shots! The boys LOVE picking berries and are really good helpers! 

Love the Northwest and that beautiful places like this are just a few miles from home

 Nevermind that I had not showered and am about 2 1/2 weeks from my due date here.  Getting tired of clothes not fitting and fat feet!

 They turned this tractor into a playground with tons of slides and the boys LOVED it!

Next up: Boysenberries and maybe some more raspberries because we've eaten them all!


Britt and Josh said...

oh I cannot even wait to play with them!!! have you told them about our movie/ lunch play date I have already planned?? ha ha 12 days!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness that tractor slide looks AWESOME!!! My boys would love that! And the berry picking! I'm so jealous! That's it. We're totally moving back to Oregon the next chance we get. :)