Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a very relaxing and fun Thanksgiving!  John was able to work a half day from HOME on Wednesday (one of the many wonderful things about his new job that is SO much better than PwC...never would have happened there!) so we were able to leave after lunch this year and miss most of the traffic! Wahoo!! The past 2 years we have sat in hours of traffic since we would leave around 6pm like everyone else on the busiest travel day of the year, so it was such a nice break to leave earlier this year, miss traffic and get to the Grahams in Glide by dinner time instead of around midnight!  So nice.  Anyways, we had a great weekend away with family:


Got to sleep in, watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, make the super yummy Baron family recipe of Guliver's Creamed Corn, play some basketball with Heather and Gale and headed on down to Eugene to have the feast with the Graham's up there!  Unfortunately, we didn't even bring out the camera the entire day :(.  I guess we were too busy having fun, especially with the traditional Bingo games after the feast :).  This year I am very thankful for:

*John's hard work and continued patience.  He is the best.  Honestly don't know what I would do without him.  SO glad I decided 5 years ago to marry him and follow him to Oregon! 

*John's new job!!!! Can't even begin to explain what a HUGE blessing his new job is and what a great place it is to work, especially compared to PwC.  The people he works with are a million times better and more honest and fun!

*My two little guys that are honestly sometimes the only way I have been able to make it through some difficult times and come out on top.... they really do keep me laughing and smiling and make me proud.  I feel so blessed to have such sweet and good little boys!!

For family night before Thanksgiving we talked about the things we are grateful for and each came up with 3 of our favorites for this year.  The above 3 are mine, but here is what Jackson came up with (and I promise he came up with them on his own!):

Jackson is grateful for:

*Baron  (made me so happy to know how much he truly loves his brother!!)

back to our weekend though....

***Friday- Shopping, Christmas Tree Hunting, GAME DAY, & some B-ball!

Didn't get up and make it into town until after 7:30, but still got all the toys and good stuff (like nice new sheets for John and I that were SO needed) that I wanted! Walmart wasn't even packed at all- in fact I have seen it way more packed than that in Roseburg.  I just went to Walmart and Fred Meyer and that was good enough for me- I am really not a huge Black Friday shopper- my family/parents never went growing up.  John stayed home with the boys of course. 

 Friday afternoon we went and chopped down our Christmas Tree! It's always a tradition to get it from the same place out in Glide the day after Thanksgiving and it is always fun, especially with the boys being old enough now to really enjoy it! Then, we got back home just in time to watch THE DUCKS play some football and extend their winning streak!   After the game and dinner we all headed back over to the gym to get some more basketball 2 on 2 in.  It was fun (even though I still have to hop around on my knee like a gimp) to shoot some hoops again.  I really miss playing.  John and I met playing ball.  It is something that comes naturally and is fun with being an awesome workout, so I really really miss playing and being in shape (and having the full use of my left knee).  

Aunt Heather and Baron

Grandma Sue & Jackson with Papa in the background going after a tree

These 2 are good buddies

Bear kept wandering off on his own to explore

Heather with her sweet beanie (that's her beanie, not her hair)

The whole Christmas Tree Hunting Gang

Eating ice cream and watching Elf (the ice cream always seems to happen at Grandma's house now :) )

***Saturday- HP7, Christmas Music and More Good Food! 

Saturday we got to sleep in a little again, hung out and then the Graham's were super nice and watched the boys so John and I could head into town and see HARRY POTTER 7!! It was SO intense and SO good! It was my favorite by far and we both absolutely loved it and would definitely recommend going to the theater and seeing it if you read the books or saw the other movies or just want a good movie to see.  I thought they did a great job staying with the book and getting the most important parts in there.  The rest of the day we hung out, turned up some Christmas music and just had fun not having the work or worry about anything! That night Sue made yet another mini Thanksgiving dinner for us.  It was wonderful and so delicious once again!

***Sunday- Pictures, Church and Going Home!

Tried very hard to get a decent picture of the whole family before church... did not have very much success. It is really hard with 2 little boys!  Went to church with the Graham's in Roseburg (Jackson loves going to their primary because Grandma Sue is their music leader!), came home and had a delicious dinner of Thanksgiving leftovers and then packed up and headed home! 

Playing the piano before church

Our attempts at a family picture... impossible to get both to look and smile at the same time! (Hopefully some photoshop magic will do the trick so we can send out some Christmas cards this year

I sure love these two!! 

One last try... it was just not going to happen!

It was a great weekend!! Can't wait to head back down to Glide for Christmas in just a few weeks, especially because we found out that NICK AND CHRISTI and their CUTE CUTE GIRLS are coming this year!!!!!! It is going to be SO SO SO SO much fun and we are so excited!!  Hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


Shalene said...

That looked like a lot of fun!!! Wish we could have been there. Nice family pics. I especially like the one with jackson and his arm around baron. Too cute!!

Kimberly said...

Such cute pictures!! I'm glad you guys had so much fun :)

Emily said...

Oh man, I can't stop thinking about how Awesome HP7 was. I want to see it 5 more times.

Your family pics are so cute, your hair is LONG! So pretty, I'm jealous.
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

You look so pretty, your hair is getting super long. I miss you and your family! Hope all continues to go well :)

Britt and Josh Child said...

how fun! that would be so cool to pick your own tree. I love how in the last picture everyone else is all over the place and you look perfect ha ha love and miss you guys!! i need to come visit asap

Stephanie said...

Steph, you guys are so super cute! I'm so glad that John got a job that he will like so much better. There's nothing worse than going somewhere you can't stand day after day. That IS something to be thankful for. :)