Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just packing and counting down the days...

We had a very fun weekend last weekend- baseball game at PGE park Thursday night, ward camp-out Friday, and Harry Potter date Saturday night.  But, our darn camera broke (even though it is like 2 months old!!) at the camp-out and we have ZERO pictures from it!  Luckily some friends took a few snaps of our kids and so when they e-mail me those, I will post them.  So, now, we are just staying in doors out of this 90+ weather and packing away while also counting down the days until we leave for Bass Lake!! We leave in just 10 days! All of my side of the family goes out there every couple of years and stays in cabins on the lake and it is A TON of fun! Bass lake is a warm lake that is just outside of Yosemite.  We usually spend the whole week swimming at the pool and lake, wake-boarding and water skiing, sea-dooing, tubing, riding in the boat, hiking a little in Yosemite and staying up late playing games with everyone.  I am a little bit, well more like super bummed that I wont be able to go water skiing, hiking and those type of things with my knee, but I am still super excited to be with the whole fam.  Plus it will be a lot of fun to finally get all 4 of the Baron grandkid boys together to play!  So we are very excited and until then will just be continuing to pack away and count down the days!

Here's my little packing helper who happens to love taking things out of boxes as I put them in and whom also loves to bang pots and pans together in traditional boy style


Christine said...

Man I haven't gone wakeboarding at ALL this summer. It stinks. So sad that you guys are moving! Luckily not far! Camping is fun when there is fun things to do...and no rain. I really hate camping in the rain.
Anyway, good luck with everything! I will hopefully be up there for the YSA temple trip on Saturday night. Let me know if you guys are available for Five Guys! :)

Shalene said...

Good luck moving! And it sounds like it will be a fun trip. Spending time with family is always a fun trip. Enjoy!

Claudia said...

Sounds like you have some fun ahead! If you need any help packing or watching the kids, please don't hesitate to ask me, okay? I can come over and the babies can entertain each other, and I can play with Jackson.

Shannon said...

look how BIG he is! ahhh, we are soooo excited to have you guys for a whole week!

And I Think to Myself.....What a Wonderful World! said...

how cute Stephanie! I love your new pictures of Bear, he is just absolutely adorable, both your sons always look so happy!
I can tell you love being a Mom!
Have a great time on holiday with your family, take lots of pictures, we will want to see them.
Have a safe trip, watch the boys around the water.....(its the mother still in me)
Cant wait till you guys come back to the OC, i want to photograph the boys!!!