Friday, April 3, 2009

The newest facebook addict....

So besides currently not having much free time mainly due to a very busy and hard working hubbie, my only other excuse for not blogging much lately is due to my latest addiction..... Facebook!  I have always been against it as well as Myspace in the past, mainly because I think blogging is so much better, but lets face it, most people that are not a stay-at-home mormon mom usually just don't blog- they Facebook instead! Now I know there are a few of you out there that are not some of those things and you still blog, which makes me very happy! I wish everyone would blog, but unfortunately not many of my friends do.  Anyways, a couple of my buddies from BYU-I finally convinced me that if I wanted to keep in touch with everyone, facebook was the way to go.  And I have to admit, it has been a lot of fun to reconnect with friends I have not seen or heard from in years.  Since I signed up for my very own facebook account, I have been able to reconnect with friends from high school, girls from my b-ball team, lots of church friends I grew up with, my cousins, my husband's cousins from both Utah and Oregon, friends from BYU-I, friends from LCC, and even some of my fellow baton twirling teammates!  It has been a lot of fun, and I have to admit that it has made me feel like I am not so totally removed from everyone living on a deserted island anymore!  The negative side to all this though- I probably spend way too much time on there for a mom of 2 young boys.  I'm pretty sure Baron is getting a little bored of sitting on my lap while I go a "facebooking".  But it has been fun and I will probably keep it up because really, there just isn't a better way to find and reconnect with old friends.... for now at least.  I am still working on getting everyone I know into blogging :)

In the meantime, we got a new camera, FINALLY! Our old one was just that- old.  It was starting to get really slow and not take very clear pictures.  Thanks to a super sweet deal from good ole' Costco, we now have a new camera that unlike our old one, will take a video longer than 30 seconds! Wahoo! So here's some of the pictures I have taken over the past few days: 



That is a sweet beanie that Baron is wearing. And I'm loving his little vest outfit!! I really, really love boy clothes now. Boys are just awesome. :)
Oh, I'm thinking of doing a woodburn trip sometime soon (maybe next Friday, but I'm not sure). Ethan needs some new shoes (gotta love little kid Nikes). I doubt Sean will want to go, so it would be fun if you wanted to meet up there for a couple hours... Just something to keep in mind.

Oh yeah, and welcome to Facebook!! :)

Mandy said...

Your boys are still looking ever so adorable! Welcome to the world of Facebook. Although I'm much more into MySpace, i'll still find you on Facebook and add you as my friend. Hope things are going well for you guys!

Stephanie said...

I know what you mean! I've caught up with people that I could never have otherwise found (or have find me)- all the way on the other side of the country and world! Technology can be very handy. ;)

Mom and Sarah said...

OK get your MOM on! That's the challenge, huh??!! Your boys are darling! Hugs, Lisa

Christine said...

I LOVE facebook! I should be studying...but I find myself on facebook! lol

Shalene said...

such cute pictures of the boys!!! Jackson is getting to be such a character!!