Thursday, August 15, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten!

The weeks leading up to the end of school were nice and hot and we enjoyed lots of outdoor water play! 

 Jackson begged us to buzz his his hair for summer, and we caved.  He loved it.

 Then naturally, the last day of school was dark and rainy.  We had plans to do some fun outdoor water games to celebrate, but it literally rained/poured the entire day.  Such a let down.  Jackson had a great school year though! He thoroughly loved school and thrived big time in class.  His teachers loved him, he was given the title of Most Cheerful for his class, and he made so. many. good friends.  I heard about them nonstop everyday after he'd bound off the bus.  He even cried after the last day because he didn't want school to end and to not see his buddies everyday anymore.

Jackson's buddy, Brayden got to spend the night and go with Jackson on the bus to their last day of school since his mom was busy having a baby the day before!

Sure am proud of our kindergarten graduate!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh my goodness! I Love these pictures!! Thank you for posting them. I'm totally going to steal them and repost on my blog, if that's okay!

I'm glad that Jackson and Brayden got to spend the last day of school together even more so than usual. Especially since only a short month later you'd be leaving us! So glad they got that time. Thank you!!