Monday, November 19, 2012

Our First Kindergartener!!!

I can't believe we have a kindergartener! I feel like Jackson was just born a few years ago- not enough time for him to now be in school, but it has really happened.  My first born has begun his school years and BOY is he excited!! He had absolutely no fears or qualms about starting school.  In fact, he was bummed it was only going to be 2 1/2 hours long each day.  As his parents, we were just as excited for him to go! Of course we had some reservations about all the new exposure to the world that we wouldn't be able to control as easily, but I am not one to blubber and cry that my baby is growing up.  I didn't think I would cry at all since he would only be gone a few hours each day and I did NOT break down crying his first day of school.  What got to me was when John gave him his first father's blessing the night before.  That's when it hit me how fast this kid is growing.  I have truly enjoyed having him with me almost 24/7 as a helper and buddy for the past 5 years.  I know that he is going to do great things with his life though and will excel in school with his love for learning and always trying to be older than he is =)

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