Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Beach and the Rest of CA Trip

After getting back from the mountains, we got to spend the rest of the weekend with John's older brother and family, Nick and Christi and their cute girls Reagan and Alice.  We were so happy they drove down from Vegas and spent a few days at the beach with us.  The weather was perfect, even getting to 80 on Sunday and Monday, and we were all able to have a great time together! Thanks again for coming guys! The kids especially had a great time... Jackson and Reagan loved the water, which really wasn't too cold, especially compared to Oregon water.  They got right in and did some boogie boarding and body surfing. John and Nick especially had a good time riding some waves and I was able to get some great pictures from our fun time!  Be prepared for lots of them!

The only time Baron ever got anywhere near the water!

He loved digging in the sand though!

Jackson really loved the water!

Nick and John after catching some waves

Uncle Josh taking Jackson for a ride

Love these pictures of Jackson and Reagan

Josh and Brittany mattress surfing- the literally blew up their air mattess and took it surfing!

They convinced John and I to try it too.... and it was a blast!

 Jackson and Deacon

Love this picture... little Kaylee is just so dang cute!!

And here's a few extras from our trip:

Kaylee loved pushing Baron in the car... it was so cute!

Love this little girl!

Baron found a cowboy hat and belt and put on Brittany's boots and walked around like this one night for a while saying he was a cowboy. 

Both Jackson and Baron love Cali- Josh & Brittany's cute little dog


Christi said...

We had so much fun too!!!! I still can't believe that they took a mattress out there. That was awesome!

Shannon said...

U got some great pics! Jackson especially is a little beach bum! Love ur cover up... I am def stealing that pic of kaylee on the scooter...so funny!