Sunday, January 16, 2011

My weekend with the boys

I am sure everyone is getting sick of my New Year's post and I have been dying to put up a post full of Christmas pictures.... but blogger is being weird and telling me there is no more space on the picasa web albums and won't let me add new pictures.... not sure what that is all about.  Anybody have any advice or knowledge about that?  I really don't want to have to start a new blog, but I just might have to.  grrrrrr.

Anyways, the boys are finally asleep and I can't help but sit here and smile thinking about our weekend.  It was a great weekend!  And you know what I loved the most about it?  It wasn't spent at Disneyland or at the beach or on a trip or somewhere expensive.  In fact, it was mostly spent at home.  We did get to go out to dinner with some fun friends Friday night without our kids and we also got to spend Saturday night at a family in our ward's house eating dinner and chatting away while the kids played with toys and watched Despicable Me.  Those were both very fun nights.  But what I am thinking about the most right now, is how much I LOVE these two little guys:

They seriously are the best.  The rest of our weekend was spent by being shot by invisible guns, playing 3 little pigs and hiding under blankets, jumping on beds, giggling like crazy, watching the boys run around our home wearing batman capes while claiming to be chasing the bad guys, doing lots of dog piles, talking about superheroes and trains and cars and fighting over which fruit snacks are better- the batman or spiderman ones.

It was filled with scenes like coming out of the bathroom to a stick-up and having to pretend injury after the two little bandits shoot you and then watching as they tucked their little squirt guns back into their church pant's pocket and walk away all proud of their "good guy" work.

It was hearing things like,  "Hey don't shoot mommy!"  (me)   and "Yeah, we only shoot Daddy bad guys, Baron!"  (Jackson)  that made it so entertaining.

And scenes of little naked white buns flying past with water still dripping from their hair after their bath with the cutest little giggles coming out of their mouths that kept me laughing the whole weekend long.

And funny things said like  "I need to wear this helmet so I can fly safe" from Jackson who was currently acting as batman that made me want to never let them grow up.

I don't know what I will do when these two grow up and it becomes too cool to go to bed with fake guns and iron man and buzz.  It is going to be really hard to see that happen.  I am so relieved to know I still have a good while to enjoy it before they do actually grow up.  I just hope I never forget the little moments  of fun like the ones we enjoyed all weekend!

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