Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not Much Going On....

Really, there hasn't been anything real exciting going on here, but just in case you were wondering what we are up to, here's a short update:

* John- unfortunately we don't get to see too much of him right now due to it being tax season and him still having to study for the CPA :(  the boys definitely miss spending time with their Daddy..... we cannot wait for April 15th to be here!  

*Steph- I am struggling with being patient with physical therapy and my knee.... there has only been really slow progress and it is in just as much pain, if not more from all the stretches and exercises. It is really frustrating because I really want to get back into working out and especially running, but everytime I try to do anything I can't walk for the next couple of day.  The Physical therapist thinks I need to get an MRI, blah! I hear those are expensive and insurance doesn't always cover a lot of it.  So for now I guess I need to just learn patience and keep going to PT.  

*Jackson- is struggling a little bit with sharing toys and being reverent during sacrament at church, but we are working with him.  Other than that he is picking up words and phrases like crazy... its weird but so nice to have him tell us in a short sentence what he wants, likes, sees, or hears.  He is just growing up too fast! Lately he is really into "help mommy" as he says with everything especially cooking, dishes, vacuming, sweeping and laundry.  It's fun and good for him to be so into that, but sometimes he just makes a bigger mess... oh well, what can you expect from a 2 year old :)

*Baron-  Still the best baby ever..... I love that kid! He has been sleeping 10-11 hours at nigh without making a peep for a couple of weeks now and is starting to get more active and even play with some toys! He is still super smiley and is starting to really coo at us which is so cute :)

So that's about it! Here's just a couple pictures: 

Jackson playing in the tunnels my parents got for him for Christmas

Jackson's new trick- using a chair to get to things he is not suppose to be able to get to!


Stephanie said...

I just can't get over how gorgeous your boys are. They are so precious! I didn't realize that you'd injured your knee! I hope that the PT helps and that you're "up and running" soon.

Christi said...

I didn't know that you hurt your knee!! I hope it gets better soon. I just started running for a 5K.
The boys looks as precious as ever. We miss you guys!!!!!!


Wait... when did you hurt your knee?! I hope the PT is helping. That's a bummer.

April 15th will be here soon... just in time for better weather and no more snow days (fingers crossed)!

I'm glad Ethan hasn't learned the pulling the chair into the kitchen trick - he has enough other "tricks" up his sleeve. Like sitting in the sooty (is that a word?) fireplace and making himself and his clothes black. Yuck. Lots of impromptu baths lately and desperately needing some more duct tape since I haven't seen anything to childproof your fireplace screen!

Also... any plans for the 28th of this month?? I'll email you!

Shannon said...

look at baron's big smile! what a babe. oh jackson, that pic. is classic... and sooo reminds me of deacon! they are crazy! ha... hey, what is this? you are inherited my bad knee? when did this start? bummer!!!

lisa said...

I can't believe Baron's sleeping that much! Hooray for that. Tell him to teach Lucy how to do that. Thanks again for letting Jack come play, as expected every time I grab our shoes to go somewhere he starts smiling and nodding "Jaddie.. Jaddie"

I hope they can figure out something that will help your knee--we're just not old enough to be having problems like this!

Shalene said...

It is no fun having an injury when you want to exercise. Hope it gets better fast so you can move around like you want to....the boys are getting so big. baron has such a cute smile....