Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jack and Jack...... and our new ward at church

Here's some cute pictures of Jackson with his best buddy Jack.  They had a lot of fun running around together and just being boys last week.


In other news, we went to our new ward on Sunday and it went great! First of all, the nursery is huge compared to the one in Eugene, yet there are only about 7 kids in it, and they have lots of cars and choo choo trains.  Therefore, Jackson stayed in nursery the whole time without us!  In fact, they came to get me cuz he had a stinky diaper, but we couldn't get him out of room because he didn't want to leave! He was actually having fun- mainly because they had a car ramp that was as tall as he was! But this was seriously a miracle because he has hated nursery in the past and just screamed until they brought him to me.  Luckily, these nursery leaders are very good and patient with cryers, and Jack only cried for a couple of minutes in the beginning!!!  I am sooooo happy because John and I will actually get to go to sunday school AND relief society/elders corum!  And the ward seems perfect for us! It is actually kind of smaller because the bounderies are pretty small and there are not a lot of apartments in it, but we love this because they noticed that we were new and actually cared! Tons of people introduced themselves to us, and in relief society they had me stand up and say where we came from, how many kids we have, how we met, what we were doing here, etc.  And then the relief society president told me they would come to visit me during the week and bring by "the welcome packet".  Coming from Eugene where they have so many students move in and out that even though we were there for 3 years no one really cared we were there or even knew who we were, I was in shock that they actually have a welcome packet! So anyways, we are very excited to be a part of the new ward and get to know new people.  We are finding more and more just how perfect the area we moved to is.  Church is 4 mins. away, costco, winco, jamba juice, target and lots of other shopping are just down the street, and the max (which is what John takes to work everyday) is just one block away! And there are parks and even a park and rec pool close by too! Plus we love our condo and I am even more excited with hot days coming this week that we have A/C!!  We truly have been blessed with finding this place and I know that this is where we are meant to be right now.   


Christi said...

Yeah! I am so glad that it is working out for you guys!!! I am so glad that Jackson loves nursery now. It makes the hugest difference. It sounds like you guys are going to enjoy it there!!!!


Wow! It truly sounds like you guys are exactly where you're supposed to be right now. How exciting that Jackson went to Nursery - what a relief. I'm so glad that you like your new ward/condo, etc. Now I really want to come see you guys next week! Did you see my last comment? Are you free on the 23rd??

Also, I love the popsicle picture!

Justin + kelly said...

How fun for your new place! and a ward that actually cares, what a change. I hated that about our old ward. Good thing we had the best group of students to play with. Just and I still talk about that night we ran into you at cold stone...good times

Shannon said...

So glad you guys are all settled and diggin' the new pad! We missed you guys a ton at bass lake... keep in touch, love ya tons!

lisa said...

I'm so glad the new place is working out, you guys definitely deserve it after the stress of the past couple weeks! And those pictures of our boys are great, I tried to save them off of your blog but it didn't work, so if you get a moment I'd love it if you could email them to me. I'm glad our handsome little duo has been reunited!

Stephanie said...

That sounds so ideal! I bet you only have to introduce yourself the one time, too! he he :P I love wards like that. Looks like "the Jacks" had some fun, too. Ah, boys.

The Yates said...

yay, glad the new place is working out well!