Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mom's Day!!

I have THE worst pregnancy brain ever lately.  I brought down a present for my mother for Mother's Day when I was down there last week and brought the card the boy's drew for Grammie, but totally spaced it on my card for her.  I also totally spaced sending my mother-in-law her Mother's Day card/gift in time as well.  Let's just say it hasn't even gone in the mail yet even though Mother's Day is TODAY.  I am awesome.  Sheesh.  I really do want the two of them to know how much we love and appreciate them though, so a blog post will have to do for now.  

Dear Mom, 

You are the best mom a girl could ask for! I had such a wonderful time with you last week at Time Out for Women and with all the shopping trips and fun chats! You know what is so great about you?  You still have that protective mother instinct over me even though I've been married close to 7 years and have 2.5 kids.  I can tell because you still make sure my needs are met by doing things like always having food (with plenty of protein for this hyploglacemic girl) packed and ready for me the second you pick me up from the airport... it's always exactly what I need!  And I can tell you still care by the fact that you still make me my favorite breakfast of french toast when I visit, make sure I get a stop in to In'n'out ASAP once I'm there because you know how much I love and miss it, and you always have a good book and pack of wintergreen lifesavers waiting for me in my room.  You still know me so well.  I also love that I can count on a few good shopping trips and of course frozen yogurt runs when I'm with you... I don't even have to ask... we always just "somehow" end up there.  

You love my kids and remember what they each like and don't like, and make sure they know how much their Grammie loves them! Most importantly, you still are always there for me.  Whether I need to vent, cry, share excitement or joy, think something through out loud, or just chat with someone, you are still the first person I turn to (after John of course).  I can always count on you to just listen and then give me the advice I need, or just express your love and support, which makes all the difference. 

You are a wonderful example of compassion, service, unconditional love, and mothering that never ends!  Thanks for being my mom!  WE LOVE YOU!!!  Happy Mother's Day!!

Love always, 

Steph and the boys

Dear Sue, 

I can't even tell you how much I have been blessed to gain you as yet another loving mom in my life! You have accepted me openly into your family, faults and all and have shown me and my boys so much love and support!  I love that every time we visit you go out of your way to make sure we are taken care of, make sure we get to have lots of fun, but also have time to relax, and make certain we are very well fed and spoiled! You work so hard to show us how much you care and we always notice and appreciate all you do!  I love that my boy's have their own cups and placemats at your home and that you buy them their favorite yogurt drinks and treats that their own mom never buys. Plus you take them swimming and support them in their hobbies and dreams and that makes them oh so happy to know how much Grandma cares about the things they love!  You also have let me know how proud you are of all the work I do to keep our home together and it makes me feel so special and validated. 

Most importantly, you raised (and still at times are raising) one of the most patient, hard working and honest guys I have ever known and we are blessed every day to have him in our life.  Thank you for all that you taught him and are continuing to teach us.  We love you tons!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Love always, 

Steph and the boys

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!! I know I have already been so spoiled by my boys!

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