Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's a Girl!!

I really need to start updating this blog more often!!  This month has been crazy busy... I keep thinking the time between the holidays and when the baby will get here this summer is going to be slow, but I'm starting to reverse that thinking.  We've had so much going on! In between young women's events, preschool, me being without an assistant manager and trying to find a new one, some weekend trips for John and me separately and hopefully some coast trips together soon, its been going by quickly and looks to keep going quickly... which is totally fine with me!  We are all very excited to meet this new little girl.

That's right, it's a GIRL!!!!  It's going to be quite a shock I think, but we are very excited.  Even the boys have come around to it, once we confirmed to them that girl's can indeed play star wars too.

The ultrasound went really well.... everyone kept asking beforehand if we wanted a boy or girl (or if we were "trying" for a girl this time.... such a dumb question).  And afterwards they wanted to know if we were just so surprised and really, we hadn't put much thought into it.  With everything that's been going on, we honestly just wanted to see a healthy baby and for things to be ok with me... which they were, thank goodness! All morning my stomach was in knots and I was shaking until we finally got the good news that not only was the baby healthy and looked great, but my cervix had moved back up and I no longer needed to be on pelvic rest!  I honestly just felt this huge burden lift off me after that appointment and it was the first time I was able to relax in a long time.  Now we can focus on the fact that we are having a girl join our little family this summer!  Cannot wait!!


Claudia said...

Congratulations! so happy for you guys!

amy jane carpenter said...

CONGRATS GUYS!!! Can I just tell you after having two boys myself (which i absolutely love having two of them, don't get me wrong) there is nothing quite like getting a little girl too! So happy for you!