Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Randomness

I wish I was posting the pictures from Christmas morning, but for maybe the first time ever, John and I both totally spaced it on bringing the camera with us.  My mother-in-law was so kind to be our stand in photographer for the weekend and did get some great shots of the boys, and let us use their camera for the hour we got at Diamond Lake of playing in the snow, BUT, we also failed to download them onto our computer and haven't made much of an effort to get them yet.  Hopefully sometime this year I will get those up here.

For now, enjoy the random few pictures I found on our camera:

I REALLY have enjoyed doing preschool with Jackson and his buddy Brayden... it's a lot of fun and Jackson is just soaking it all up.  It has reminded me just how well I work with this age and how much I really enjoy it... I am still hoping to have a bigger preschool out of our home one day.  Anyways, for December we decided to forgo "The Letter of the Week" curriculum we've been doing and just focus on Christmas.  I found some great craft ideas from pinterest and here are just a few that we did:

 Reindeer using the boy's handprints and thumb prints
 Christmas Lights using their thumb prints... even Baron was able to do this one mostly on his own after I drew the cord on the paper for them and they absolutely LOVED doing the paint!

Making their own frosting Christmas tress using upside down sugar ice cream cones!

The scar without stitches

It snowed!! It didn't ever really stick at our place, which was highly disappointing, but we at least got to watch it fall and go out and catch some snow flakes on our tongues

and just like that it turned back into rain...boo

 The boys put their coats on backwards and thought they were hilarious... I'm so grateful for their humor and creativity.  It never seems to end and I love it.  It keeps me going.

This picture is a little blurry, darn it, but if you look close, there is something different about jackson...

He lost a tooth! Well, he had to get his front one pulled out by the dentist because it was dead in the roots and getting a small infection from hitting it a while back, BUT, his big tooth is not far behind anyways and he was pretty excited to get a visit from the tooth fairy and loves to show everyone his missing tooth!

Sometimes we just get so tired of the rainy weather and weren't feeling up to any trips to OMSI or the Children's Museum.  So we busted out some TP instead.  The boys were thrilled I would let them waste a whole roll and make them mummy's.

And that's about it for our January... it was not too exciting of a month.  In fact, being full of lots of rain, another unexpected ER trip, a nasty Flu bug for half of us and some colds, and a stressful month in apartment managing, I am happy to see it go.  Here's to hoping February is a better month.  I have high hopes. 

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