Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just an update

I haven't really been too good at updating the blog for awhile pretty much because life is crazy yet so boring right now.  We started lease season with the apartments, so between that and chasing Jack and Kellen around and throwing up everyday, free time is very rare.   We have been busier than normal for this early in the lease season though which is good and bad.  Bad because it has been so busy- i.e. I am gone for 1 hour and there are at least 6 messages on our machine when i get home.  It's good though because that means we will hopefully fill up all the apartments a lot faster and once they are full life pretty much returns to normal! Wahoo!  

Jackson is growing up like crazy.  He is officially 18 months! Which also means he went to nursery at church for the first time last sunday, and he screamed! We were surprised because he plays at his buddy Jack Jensen's house and also Kellen's house and he does really good.  They had to come get me sunday because he was just screaming and they were short handed that day, so i stayed with him and he eventually calmed down and had a ton of fun playing with the toys and singing songs.  I am hoping that me being in there helped him calm down enough that he realized that its actually fun in there.  We will see how the next couple of sundays go. Wish us luck! Another thing about Jack- lately he has been picking up words and phrases like crazy! He seriously says something new everyday! It's getting to be a lot of fun. My favorites are "It's Stuck!" and "Holy Cow!"  Here's some fun videos we took of him tonight.  Sorry for the poor lighting in them and yes i know that he is wearing two different pj pieces that don't match at all.  Oh, and don't forget to notice the new summer hair cut his daddy gave him saturday!


lpelinka said...
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lisa said...

jack was cracking up watching these--especially when jackson says "juice" for some reason. i love that they get such a kick out of each other!

(oh yeah, and that deleted comment was me, i posted from leslie's computer and so our names didn't show up).

Christi said...

That is really cute! I love the head shoulders knees and toes!


Awww... Nursery. I can't wait, but I know it'll probably be a battle now. If only I could've started taking him about 6 weeks ago. His stranger anxiety has increased at least 3-fold lately. He is even more of a momma's boy. Sean kept him most of mutual on Wednesday, but he caught a glimpse of me at the end and totally lost it. Guess it just means we're loved, right?!
I can't wait to see the videos - my computer was acting up last night, so I didn't get a chance to watch them yet. :(
PS: I'll enjoy the warm, Cali sun for you this weekend while we're there!!

LinnieBell said...

Hey!! Thanks for the birthday note! There aren't too many birthdays that I remember without looking at the calendar, but I always remember Brandon's birthday and Grant Rivera's birthday for some reason...May birthdays are just the best! :)