Saturday, March 10, 2007


Just a little update of the little guy: Jack is doing great! He's been a little bit cranky lately, but we found out after taking him to the doctor's office that he is teething! It's rare for a 3 month old to already be teething, but it can definitely happen. On his lower gums you can see a little white dot. I can't believe he'd already getting teeth! Crazy. Besides that he is doing well. He just keeps growing and is starting to do more and more. He talks (just blabbering to himself) all the time now, and smiles at everyone who starts talking to him. He's already becoming a little lady's man. :) His hair is growing longer and thicker on top, but it's not really growing in the back of his head where his bald spot is, so it looks pretty funny from the back angle. He's starting to sleep 8-10 hours at night, which is sooooo nice. He loves his blanky, and for some reason he always pulls it over his head when he sleeps. We can't tell if he just likes the feel of it on his face or if he just really likes the dark! Even after he falls asleep I will go and pull it down off his face, and 5 mins. later when I go check on him again.... he's pulled it back up, in his sleep! He's a silly, but good baby, and we love him! Oh, and don't forget to scroll all the way to the bottom of this page because there are pictures down there also that are easily missed. And that's our Jackson Jeffrey update!


kelly said...

boy he is HUGE! I can't believe it. My owen seems like such a little guy compared.

kelly said...

the blogs are fun, huh?! I'm glad you made it over to ours. It definitely provides some entertainment, and an outlet for me. Owen was born on Oct. 27... so he's what? A month older than Jackson? I'd be curios to see them next to each other. Owen has been rolling around for a while, but not quite walking. uh oh, he's screaming. better run.