YES, we are alive! I know, I know...... I am the world's worst blogger. I haven't posted anything for months, and well, besides the fact that I hate our computer because it is the slowest thing in the whole world, I don't really have a good excuse. Oh, I'm not that great with blogging yet either and only know how to put on a new post because that is what John showed me how to do. ANYWAYS, so here's the update: John is looking forward to his last year of school-he starts in 2 weeks. By next June we are planning on him having a degree in accounting and a good job somewhere along the west cost (cross your fingers for that one). I have been super busy with managing our apartment complex dealing with signing leases, moving people out, making sure apartments are getting cleaned, and now the new tenants are moving in for the school year. I am looking forward to winter because October- March is when things with the apartment slow down by like 95%!! On top of managing I have been watching Kellen every now and then during the summer. Kellen is 14 months old and loves to climb, so him and Jackson together keep me constantly busy and on my toes. That brings us to my new little crazy destroyer, JACKSON.
Jack is just about 10 months old now and into EVERYTHING! He crawls around everywhere and stands up on everything. He took his first steps just the other day! (He took 3 steps from John to me, twice now) He is still a little bit away from really walking, but we were pretty excited to see him trying! His favorite things to do are:
1) Take off all the books on the book shelf
2.) Take all the silverware out of the dishwasher while mommy is doing dishes and then climb in the dishwasher
3.) Eat bubbles and play with toys in the bathtub- he is like a little frog... he just loves the water!
4.) Rub all his food into his hair
5.) Play patty cake and laugh histerically before mommy even gets to the tickle part
6.)His new favorite- stand up on the toilet and splash in the water (gross i know! he's quick... i try to stop him as fast as i can!)
7.) Swing on the swings
8.) Say dadada and scream (happily) over and over again, especially during sacrament and relief society
............... and lots more things. He is just getting sooo big. At his 9 month appointment we found out that he as officially grown 10 inches since he was born! The nurse says that the usually do that at 12 months or after. He is still in the 95th percentile for height, and is 50th for weight. He's just gonna have to be a basketball star and play for the Oregon Ducks!
Speaking of the Ducks......GO DUCKS!!!!!! That's right. We won our first game against Houston, and then creamed Michigan 39-7, and on saturday we are going to beat Fresno State too! We are way excited because John and I get to go to the game!! John and Jeff stood in line for 2 hours monday morning to get tickets. It will be my first game at Autzen stadium.... can't wait!